Inggris Indonesia Jepang Arab China



Modern Point of Sale 3.3 Multi Store Branches Inventory

Diposting oleh:Admin

Modern POS

Modern POS is built with core PHP, jQuery and Angular JS and Others modern technology. There are many attractive features that will help you to manage stock and sales of your shop easily.


  • Easy POS Interface
  • Customization receipt template
  • Installment (EMI) Sales
  • Multiple Stores Feature
  • Multilingual Feature
  • Complete Accounting Solution
  • Barcode Scanner Supported
  • POS Printer Supported (setup required)
  • Generate Quotation
  • Put order in Hold
  • Add New Customer from POS Window
  • Due Management System
  • Discount System
  • Indian GST
  • Gift Card Feature
  • Tax Option
  • Sale Return
  • Purchase Return
  • Customer Profile with Lifetime Invoice History
  • Supplier Profile with Lifetime Invoice History
  • Import Products with .xls Sheet (one click)
  • Invoice Printing & Email Transcript
  • Sell Report
  • Purchase Report
  • Payment Report
  • Due Report
  • Overview Report
  • Summary Report
  • All Report can be Printed
  • All Report Send Through E-mail
  • All Report can be Downloaded as PDF
  • Profit Report
  • SMS Module
  • Unlimited SMS Gateway Integration
  • Profit Report
  • Daily Basis
  • Monthly Basis
  • Yearly Basis
  • Customized Report (i.e. January-2017 to Jun-2018)
  • Sales Report
  • Day Basis
  • Monthly Basis
  • Yearly Basis
  • Overview Report
  • Payment Report
  • Customized Report
  • Analysis
  • Weekly Analysis
  • Monthly Analysis
  • Top Customer with Details
  • User Role Management
  • Admin
  • Cashier
  • Salesman
  • You can Add Unlimited User Roles
  • Unlimited Payment Method
  • Keyboard Shortcut in POS window
  • Unlimited Currency Support
  • Lock Screen Feature
  • Offline to Online Synchronization
  • Fully Responsive Layout
  • Automation with Schedule Tasks/Cronjob
  • Data Reset Feature



    1. Download Dulu Source Code dan Database nya
    2. Download file Pendukung yaitu web server xampp bisa download di sarankan php 7.3 atau versi 7.4
    3. Text editor untuk menjalankan dan membongkar coding adalah vscode
    4. Install xampp seperti biasa dan vscode nya
    5. Jangan lupa instal composer, jika anda belum punya composer silahkan untuh pada link berikut : getcomposer.exe
    6. Copy folder Source Code  yang sudah di download ke direktory c/xampp/htocs
    7. kemudian buka vcscode dan masukan folder project anda
    8. selanjutnya buka terminal jalankan perintah composer install dan composer update
    9. tahap selanjutnya silahkan masukan perintah : cp .env.example .env untuk membuat database baru
    10. setelah itu sesuaikan setingan koneksi database pada .env
    11. ketikan perintah : php artisan key:generate untuk mebuat key kode
    12. langkah selanjutnya buatlah database di phpmyadmin dengan nama yang sama pada file .env
    13. kembali ke terminal vscode ketikan perintah : php artisan migrate --seed itu berguna untuk memikgrasikan database yang ada. tunggu hingga selesai
    14. untuk membuka project atayu menjalankan project silahkan gunakan perintah : php artisan serve pada terminal vscode anda
    15. selesai


    1. Akun Login Username : admin  Pasword : admin
    2. Jika Tidak Bisa anda bisa cek di tabel admin atau user pada phpmyadmin
    3. Jika terjadi error silahkan sesuaikan versi php aplikasi
