Inggris Indonesia Jepang Arab China



Eschool Saas - School Management System With Student 1.1.1

Diposting oleh:Admin

Eschool Saas

Experience the future of education with our SaaS eSchool platform. Simplify attendance, assignments, exams, and more. Increase your school's efficiency and engagement.


Streamlined Admissions:
School Admin can effortlessly add new students, gathering comprehensive details for each student. Capture essential information such as personal details, contact information, academic records, and more.
Efficient Student Management:
Effectively manage students throughout their academic journey. Enabling you to categorise them based on their current status (active, pass out, or failed).
Password Reset Management:
Administrators can review and approve/disapprove password change requests submitted by students. Ensures that students have control over their account security.
Bulk Data Upload in CSV Format:
Save time and effort by adding multiple students simultaneously using the bulk data upload feature. This accelerates the onboarding process, especially during the beginning of a new academic year.
Educational institutions can choose from a variety of packages to meet their needs. These purchased as part of a package or as add-on options as well as charged with per active students and staff.
Unified Semesters and Streams Management
Semester: allows school administration to specify the duration of semesters, start and end dates, and the designated semesters for classes. Streams: School Admin can create stream with categories standard.
Expense Management:
This version offer to school admin, create expenses report with categories wise and manage specifically.
Payroll Management:
school administration can seamlessly organize, report, and manage payroll, including detailed information, payroll-specific reports, and additional costs.
Staff Management
Administrator roles allow you to perform all actions, including creating employees, assigning permissions, and generating reports



  1. Download Dulu Source Code dan Database nya
  2. Download file Pendukung yaitu web server xampp bisa download di sarankan php 5.6 atau versi 7.3
  3. Text editor untuk membongkar coding di rekomendasikan sublime text atau notepad ++
  4. Install xampp seperti biasa dan subimetext nya
  5. Copy folder Source Code  yang sudah di download ke direktory c/xampp/htocs
  6. kemudian buka bowser google chorme kemudian ketikan localhost/phpmyadmin/
  7. selanjutnya buat database dengan nama yang ada di folder htdocs tadi yang telah di pindahkan ada di folder db atau database dengan format .sql, kemudian import
  8. setelah itu sesuaikan setingan koneksi database dengan membuka aplikasi texteditor tadi, file koneksi di application/config/database.php atau di file koneksi.php, lalu save
  9. kemudian buka browser ketikan localhost/project_nama ( nama project tadi )
  10. selesai


  1. Akun Login Username : admin  Pasword : admin
  2. Jika Tidak Bisa anda bisa cek di tabel admin atau user pada phpmyadmin
  3. Jika terjadi error silahkan sesuaikan versi php aplikasi
