Siakad Orascool v7 AIO System
Aplikasi Pendidikan-Ultimate School Management System Script, Schoex Application Name has Changed to OraSchool, Ora School Suite is one the Best School Management System to Manage your School Operations in Best Manners.
- Zoom integration
- Create online meetings on the platform
- Enhanced language import while upgrade
- Fix issue on messaging roles between users
- ID cards module generation
- “My Payroll” User can see his payroll summary
- Support biometric for employees
- Support Dept & design for teachers
- Support for custom headers for HTTP SMS configurations
- Support for controlling which user role can message another user role
- Support for partial fee type dates
- Support for inventory stock remaining items calculations
- Bulk mark sheet generation
- Bulk invoices generation
- Support for automated invoice ID generation while creating manual invoice
- Support attendance notifications for Present, Absent, late, late with excuse
- Auto generate invoices for hostel & transportations when user assigned to one
- Export function for online exams results
- Dashboard widgets controlled from roles & permissions for Role-based dashboard
- Collection invoice reports
- Paystack payment gateway integration
- Wider registration page with enhanced label for fields
- Support for new invoice when student register
- Enhanced margins control for Certificates
- Enhance frontend pages slider picker
- Enhance visitors, engird & postal view
- Enhance data privacy for students, parents & teachers
- Fix for submitting online exam when time ends
- Fix for Autoscroll issue on Firefox
- dll
- Download Dulu Source Code dan Database nya
- Download file Pendukung yaitu web server xampp bisa download di sarankan php 7.3 atau versi 7.4
- Text editor untuk menjalankan dan membongkar coding adalah vscode
- Install xampp seperti biasa dan vscode nya
- Jangan lupa instal composer, jika anda belum punya composer silahkan untuh pada link berikut : getcomposer.exe
- Copy folder Source Code yang sudah di download ke direktory c/xampp/htocs
- kemudian buka vcscode dan masukan folder project anda
- selanjutnya buka terminal jalankan perintah composer install dan composer update
- tahap selanjutnya silahkan masukan perintah : cp .env.example .env untuk membuat database baru
- setelah itu sesuaikan setingan koneksi database pada .env
- langkah selanjutnya buatlah database di phpmyadmin dengan nama yang sama pada file .env
- kembali ke terminal vscode ketikan perintah : php artisan spark serve itu berguna untuk menjalanlan aplikasi anda
- buka pada browser anda http://localhost:8080
- selesai
- Akun Login Username : admin Pasword : admin
- Jika Tidak Bisa anda bisa cek di tabel admin atau user pada phpmyadmin
- Jika terjadi error silahkan sesuaikan versi php aplikasi
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